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     Stephanie Proffitt
A New Home
Kentucky, United States

Reviews I've Left Sellers (3)

    0 orders sold
3 orders bought
3.7 years on Reborns

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Buyer Reviews (1)     

Stephanie's review of Angie Clark (BOUGIE BABIES- My Personal Collection) Sep 24, 2022
Beautiful . She was as described and a beautiful little girl! Im so excited to have her. Seller has great communication and shipped quickly she was packed perfectly and with love and care! Thank you!
Olivia Rose

Sep 19, 2022

Stephanie's review of Melissa McCloskey (Colonial Home ) Mar 3, 2022
she was wrapped so carefully and i was brought to tears how truly beautiful she is! I am over the moon. I received her early and she was very very safely packaged, her come home package was amazing!

Feb 27, 2022

Stephanie's review of Brittany Shoemaker (Lady Bugs Nursery ) Dec 16, 2021
I dont know how its possible but hes even more beautiful in person! i love him. hes weighted perfectly and he is so detailed . He came VERY quickly . Seller is great , responded quickly to questions

Dec 13, 2021