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     Donna Poen
United States


Buyer Reviews (3)

    4 orders bought
3.1 years on Reborns

Reviews I've Left Sellers (4)     

Laura Benuzzi wrote:       May 27, 2022
Thank you for being such an amazing buyer. So easy to work with. I hope you enjoy him.

May 20, 2022

Kimberly Armijo wrote:       May 21, 2022
Such a lovely person and awesome buyer! I would recommend her to any seller! She has a true appreciation for these babies and the artists that put their hearts and souls into them! She's amazing!💕
Reply from Donna PoenMay 21, 2022

Aww, thanks! I can't imagine how difficult it must to be to be to bring one of these babies to life and then say good-bye to them!

May 16, 2022

Laurie Eno wrote:       Mar 23, 2022
Donna is a breeze and a true pleasure to deal with. I am so happy to know one of my babies is now making her happy! Does my heart good. ❤️

Mar 16, 2022