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     Susan Miller
IL, United States

Reviews I've Left Sellers (7)

    8 orders bought
2.8 years on Reborns

Buyer Reviews (2)     

Susan's review of Caroline Jones (Near and Far Nursery) Jun 25, 2023
She's perfect so much detail. Fast delivery. I love all the hand made stuff like the cloud mobile. THANKS.

Jun 21, 2023

Susan's review of Linda Steinert (Steinert General) Mar 13, 2023
Love him he's so cute and was packed safely.

Jan 7, 2023

Susan's review of Carol Lance (Carol's Kids Reborns) Feb 27, 2023
I love her she has a little blue mark by her eye I call it her birth mark. She's so cute.

Jan 7, 2023

Susan's review of Jessica Ohler (jessica ohler) Oct 30, 2022
I received the baby yesterday and he takes my breath away He's just so adorable and he has a really nice weight to him.

Oct 23, 2022

Susan's review of Beverly White Colvard (Beverly's Baby Haven) Jun 9, 2022
She's so pretty she has so much detail on her I'm very happy with her and with the box opening the outfits were really cute. The mailman actually checked my name to make sure it was correct.
Twin A Only

Jun 5, 2022

Susan's review of Misty L. Terry (Kits to Kradles Nursery) May 26, 2022
I love her so much thank you she's so pretty I can't stop staring at her she takes my breath away.
Reply from Misty L. TerryMay 26, 2022

Thank you so much Susan! You are so kind and I’m glad you love her as much as I did! She is my favorite creation to date! I’m so glad she went home to you! 💕

May 20, 2022

Susan's review of Sheyla Rivera (Zoes Ark / Arca de Zoé) Apr 26, 2022
I'm so happy with the baby I named Dakota Lee He's so cute! And the box opening was really good Also.
Baby Box 3

Apr 22, 2022