Reborns Logo

     Tawanna Sumrall
Mother Tongue Nursery
TN, United States


Buyer Reviews (5)

    31 orders sold
7 orders bought
2.8 years on Reborns


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Seller Reviews (12)     Reviews I've Left Sellers (6)     Reviews I've Left Buyers (24)     

Shelby Hammond wrote:       Nov 7, 2024
You are so very kind and it was a pleasure doing business with you. Come back anytime. Have fun making your reborns, I can't wait to see what you do with them. : )
Chrisy Kit

Oct 24, 2024

Shelby Hammond wrote:       Nov 7, 2024
5 Star Buyer all the way. Thank you!!!
Spice kit

Oct 24, 2024

Shelby Hammond wrote:       Nov 7, 2024
Thank you Tawanna you were wonderful !!! You are welcome back to my little store anytime.
Amber Kit

Oct 24, 2024

Heather Norris wrote:       Aug 1, 2023
Tawanna was a pleasure to work with and highly recommend her as a buyer. Thank you for giving Fei Yen a happy home!
Fei Yen

May 15, 2023

Shelby Hammond wrote:       Aug 1, 2023
Tawanna is a 5 star buyer and it was a wonderful transaction. Thank you so very much for supporting my little reborn art.
Santa's Reindeer

May 9, 2023