Reborns Logo

     Silvia Guembes
It’s a Baby Shower
CA, United States


Buyer Reviews (2)

    0 orders sold
11 orders bought
1.9 years on Reborns

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Reviews I've Left Sellers (7)     

Kathryn Gerhardt wrote:       Jun 2, 2024
Sellers beware! Buyer bought my product and mis-read description thinking she was getting flat-back eyes, when it clearly said "full round". She had buyers remorse and decided to give me a bad review.
24m Brwn Round Glass Eyes

May 22, 2024

Skylir Jecusco wrote:       Sep 29, 2023
Very easy transaction! Would love to do business with you again. Thank you so much for your purchase :)

Sep 18, 2023