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     Kylie Marie Parr
Louisiana, United States

Reviews I've Left Sellers (1)

    1 order bought
1.8 years on Reborns

Buyer Reviews (1)     

Kylie's review of Colleen Walter (A-List Babies) Jun 21, 2023
I came into this very worried but after 5 days I got my beautiful doll and Colleen was so sweet she messaged me back and updated me on everything this was the best I loveeeeee my baby she is perfect ❣️
Reply from Colleen WalterJun 21, 2023

Aww yay! I’m so happy!! You are amazing & so patient! Especially with the longer shipping times from the holiday weekend. TY for putting your trust into this! You are AMAZING!! I’m happy you love her❤️

Jun 16, 2023