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     Dana Damboise
United States

Reviews I've Left Sellers (6)

    6 orders bought
14.1 months on Reborns

Buyer Reviews (6)     

Dana's review of Rebecca K (Strawberry Monkeys) Sep 26, 2024
This was the best box opening I’ve had so far from this site. The best thing about it though, is the amazing work this artist did on Sandie. It phenomenal. The painting and weighting is superb!

Sep 21, 2024

Dana's review of Deja (Dejavu Reborns Closed) Sep 11, 2024
This baby is beautifully painted. I’m really impressed with the feet and hands, because they are so lifelike. Thank you so much!

Aug 22, 2024

Dana's review of Colette Bivens (La Petite Mamselle) Sep 11, 2024
This doll is simply exquisite! Everything was perfect including, communication, packaging, box opening, and the true appearance of the doll in relation to the photos. I’m over the moon with Maddie!
Reply from Colette BivensSep 11, 2024

I'm so glad you like her!!

Sep 7, 2024

Dana's review of Angie Jones (Lil Dumplins Nursery) Jul 16, 2024
Tobiah is beautifully done. Angie shipped him immediately and the only hang up was the postal worker taking him to the wrong house yesterday. I love his accessories and extra outfits. He’s gorgeous!

Jul 12, 2024

Dana's review of Jennifer Lesser (The Lesser's Lovely Little Reborns) Jun 24, 2024
Jennifer is a wonderful seller, who ships immediately. My beautiful Pickle arrived and was well packaged, and included a few darling gifts. I’m honored again to have an outfit made by the seller.

Jun 20, 2024

Dana's review of Rita F Massey (Lil Sprouts Nursery) Feb 23, 2024
This baby is very well done, from her painting details, to weighting, to her beautiful outfit The communication was on point and the shopping extremely fast. I recommend Rita, and would buy from again

Feb 7, 2024