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     Brittany Murphy
United States

Reviews I've Left Sellers (2)

    5 orders bought
8.7 months on Reborns

Buyer Reviews (4)     

Brittany's review of Star Shea (Momma Star's Dolls) Jun 9, 2024
Star Shea's artistic abilities are phenomenal and I am over the moon happy with my purchase. Blue uni-piglet detail and color is very durable and Star Shea's root work is professional and secure. Love
Blue uni-piglet

Jun 1, 2024

Brittany's review of Star Shea (Momma Star's Dolls) Jun 9, 2024
Amazing work and very sturdy baby. Star Shea puts a lot of thought when putting together the package with your purchase. There is extra padding so your package is not damaged. Extremely happy overall!
Piglet Doggie

Jun 1, 2024