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Amber Caudill
Amber Caudill
Trafalgar, Indiana

  2 Buyer Reviews

4.1 years on Reborns
0 orders sold
Following 78

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Pre-loved (2)

Hi my name is Amber Caudill, I am only a collector selling from my collection, please do not ask for custom orders. Any questions asked about each baby I will answer to the best of my knowledge or guide you to their original artist for the correct answer. I keep my baby’s in pristine condition as they are only on display. Any boo-boos will be listed along with pictures. Thank you very much for visiting and good luck!

Tom   Pre‑Owned
Artist: Raffaella Gomez
18" (45.72 cm)   COA

$750 USD + shipping

Add to Favorites  5

Cecily   Pre‑Owned
Artist: Dawn McGrath
19" (48.26 cm)   No COA

$1000 USD + shipping

Add to Favorites  10