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Jade Valenzuela
Reborn Tatty
Denver, Colorado

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10.4 months on Reborns
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Reborn Tatty is a tattoo artist by day and a reborn painter by night. They truly find peace and love in their own two reborns, Ripley and Casper, and wanted to be able to share that joy with everyone else in their art. You will find that all of the dolls listed in the Reborn Tatty nursery are full of realistic detail and there was truly a lot of thought and care put into each and every one of them.

Juni Rose
Artist: Jade Valenzuela
16" (40.64 cm)   COA


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Artist: Jade Valenzuela
22" (55.88 cm)   COA


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Artist: Jade Valenzuela
20" (50.8 cm)   COA


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Little Louis
Artist: Jade Valenzuela
18" (45.72 cm)   COA


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