Teresa Jimenez
Little Dearies


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Follower     Country Followers
Jeanne Barbieri     United States    
Adriana Horton
    United States    
Adrianne Dobbs
Hollyhocks ~n~ Lil Fox Nursery
    United States     44 followers
Agustina Villalobos
Agustina Villalobos
    United States    
Aleisa Albright     United States    
Alexandra Reed
Sweet Dreams
    United States    
Alicia Willis
    United States     188 followers
Ally Reid     United States    
Amanda Buening
Buenie Babies
    United States    
Amanda Kirk
    Canada     4 followers
Amber Arnaud     United States    
Amber Kendall
Amber Kendall
    United States     11 followers
Amy Fisher     United States    
Ana Paulson
Mi Amor Reborn Nursery
    United States     261 followers
Andrea     United States    
Andrea Cunningham
Love for munchkins
    United States    
Angela Marie
Haven Doll Creations
    United States    
Angelika Wajnert     United Kingdom    
Angie Clark
BOUGIE BABIES- My Personal Collection
    United States     492 followers
Angie Sengenberger
Moon babies nursery
    United States     6 followers
Anita Hart     United States    
Anita Young
Charlee's Collections
    Canada     117 followers
April Munger
Apple of My Eye Reborns
    United States     87 followers
April Dubreuil     Canada    
Aria     Singapore    
Ariana Z     United Kingdom    
Ashley Benson     United States    
Ashley Guill
bluegrass lullabies
    United States    
Ashley Shaw     United States    
Athena Sfeir
Med School Reborn Mom
    United States     6 followers
Audrey Plourde     United States    
Aurora Johns
Little For Longer
Ayanna Phillips     United States    
Bailey Clements
Bailey Clements
    United States    
Bailey York     United States    
Becky Zackrison     United States    
Belinda Barrett     United States    
Bethany Heard     United Kingdom    
Blanca E Guzman     United States    
Blanca Mendoza     United States    
Bobbi-jo     Canada    
Bobbie Jo Brandli     United States    
Bonnie King
Nordic Angels Nursery
    Australia     14 followers
Brigham Timmerman     United States    
Britt House     United States    
Brittani Mcdonald     United States    
Brittany Jade Mccoy     United States    
Brittany Powell
Bria's Babies
    United States     5 followers
Brittany Rogers
Brittany Rogers
    United States     5 followers
Bryan D Park     United States    
Cami C.     United States    
Carie Albers     United States     1 follower
Carlan Hurt
Amazing Grace Nursery
    United States     6 followers
Carrie Crosno     United States    
Casey Michelle
A Reborn Collector
    United States     26 followers
Celeste Chavez
Paradise Pre Owned Babies
    United States     1 follower
Cheryl Smith     United States    
Chin Palacio
chin's trinkets
    Canada     32 followers
Chloe Thome     United States    
Chloe Thome     United States    
Christine Benson     United States    
Daisy Elam
Daisy's Reborn Creation
    United States     438 followers
Darlene Dawson     United States    
Dawn Debord     United States    
Dawn Griffin     United States    
Deanaletta Seif     United States    
Debbie Cotter     United States    
Debbie S.
The Lullaby Loft
    United States     2 followers
Debra M Maggio
Debra Maggio
    United States    
Dee Iacobellis     United States     1 follower
Denise R Jones
5 Little Monkey's
    United States     7 followers
Diane L Conrad     United States    
Diane O’grady
Diane O’Grady
    United States    
Doris Seaman     United States    
Elizabeth Lawless     Canada    
Ellen Natalino     United States    
Ellen Strothmann
    United States    
Eloisa     Canada    
Emily Moos     United States    
Emma Givney     United States    
Emma.s     United States    
Erika Garcia     United States    
Erin B     Australia    
Erin Kelahan     United States    
Essie Rosenthal
Rizzie Got Sprinkles Nursery
    United States     307 followers
Eternity Glenn     United States    
Evangelina Nave
Little Bears
    United States    
Eve     United States    
Faith Belding     Canada    
Faye Harrison     United States     1 follower
Gena Montgomery     United States    
Genesis Bulgara     United States    
Gina Mciver     United States    
Gloria Rodriguez     United States    
Gouge Doriane
gouge doriane
Guadalupe     United States    
Gwen Lee (cadaverscoffin)
Coffin Creatures
    United States     1 follower
Gylen Van Der Avoort
Privilege Reborn
    France     888 followers
Hailey Sterk
Hazey Nursery
    United States    
Haley Glotzbach     United States    
Hannah Jeffcoat     United States    
Hannah Perry     United States    
Hannah Wenrich
Hannah's Reborns
    United States     3 followers
Harmony Pullum
Harmies Creations Reborn Nursery
    United States     33 followers
Heather     United States    
Heather Webb     United States    
Hege Hellgren     Norway    
Heidelin Ramos     United States    
Helen Lee     Australia    
Hollie Cook
Moon River Reborns
    United States     700 followers
Hollie Hrabik     United States    
Holly Frizzell
Holly Frizzell
    United States    
Holly Latno
Holly Latno
    United States    
Holly Stoker
Holly's Hobbies
    United States    
Jamie Frost
Jamie’s personal baby's
    United States    
Jamie Lynn
Double Take Reborns
    United States     1 follower
Jamie Scott     United States    
Janice K. Taylor     United States    
Janice Sear     Canada    
Jeanne M Lackore     United States    
Jen     United States    
Jenn Allen-o'donnell
    United States    
Jennifer Cruce
Bfanglfn’s sweethearts
    United States     2 followers
Jennifer Johnston     United States    
Jennifer Miles     United States    
Jennifer Smith     United States    
Jessi Kennedy     United States    
Jessica Bray     United States    
Jessica Lonngren     United States    
Jessica Reeser     United States    
Jinnette     United States    
Joanna Carey
Loved Beyond Measure Nursery
    United States     4 followers
Joelle Ricard
Little love bugs nursery
    Canada     107 followers
Joyce Batdorf     United States    
Julianne Hartman
    United States    
Julie B
Sweetness and Light
    United States    
Julie Manske
Honey Bunches nursery
    United States     10 followers
Julie Prince
Julie Prince
    United States     13 followers
Julquenia Rodriguez     United States    
Kai Bechard
Second Nature Nursery
    United States     24 followers
Kaia Foster     United States    
Kairi Dix     United States    
Kaitlin Baker     United States    
Kathy Chartrand
Kathy Jo's Littles
    United States    
Katy Lafoe
Bee Hive Nursery
    United States    
Katy Mcfadden     United States    
Kayla Skinner     United States    
Keely Ladds     United Kingdom    
Keely Quirk     United States    
Keiko Takahashi     Japan    
Kendra Harvey
Kendra’s Collection
    United States     5 followers
Kim Burgh     United States    
Kim Taylor
Little chicks nursery
    United States    
Kim Yauger
Kim's Babies
    United States     21 followers
    United States    
Kimberly Brewer     United States     1 follower
Kishori Marie Dorsey
    United States    
Kourtney Reilly
KayKay'S Nursery
    United States    
Kp     United States    
Kristina Belcher     United States    
Ksenia Kai     United States    
Laura Wotli
Laura's Little Loves
    United States     30 followers
Lauren S     United States    
Leilani Vernon     United States    
Leslie Divers
Leslie Divers
    United States    
Leslie Gutierrez
    United States     14 followers
Leticia Frankio     United States    
Lheslie An
LJ Reborn Babies Nursery
    United States     9 followers
Lily Kim     Korea, Republic of    
Linda Devine     United States    
Lindsay Parker     United States    
Lindsey Hunter     United States    
Lisa Johnson
Nanny’s reborn nursery
    United States     5 followers
Lisa Scherpenisse
Lisa B's Babies
    United States     26 followers
Lisa Zeccola     United States    
Lucia Abigail Mauri     Argentina    
Lydia Kramer     United States    
Lynette W     United States     16 followers
Lynn Gardner     United States    
Malia Vang     United States    
Margaret Cline-giles     United States    
Maria Rodrigues Pereira     United States    
Marilu Ramirez
Marilu Ramirez
    United States     27 followers
Marilynn Larsen     United States    
Marisa Yangello     United States    
Mary Mcnear     United States    
Maryann Ann Hartgrave     United States    
Maya     United States    
Megan Franklin     United States    
Megan Nathe
Megan Nathe
    United States    
Meghan Cruse
Alphabet Babies Creations
    United States     19 followers
Melissa Fowler     United States    
Melissa Merdick     United States    
Melody Mckinney     United States    
Mercedes Spicer Schemel     United States    
Michaela Shugars     United States    
Michelle Moore     United States    
Michelle Nicolaus
Sweet Dreams Nursery
    United States     38 followers
Misty Youngberg     United States    
    United States    
Mona Heiberg     Norway    
Nancy Obrigewitsch
Nancy's Angels
    United States     1 follower
Nancy Rosengren     United States    
Natalie Hoffman     United States    
Nataly Levy     United States    
Natasha     United States    
Nella Lundahl Salamendi     United States    
Nerezza Harris     United States    
Nicole Bardaxe     United States    
Nicole Burr     United States    
Nicole Cheret     United States    
Nohelia Bonilla
Aspen Nursery
    United States    
Nora Fay
    United States    
Pam Griffith
Pam Griffith
    United States    
Patricia Schichler     United States    
Rebeca Nieves
Sandy's Reborn Nursery
    United States     3 followers
Rodriguez Peggy     United States    
Roline Hodge     United States    
Roni Gossett     United States    
Rylee Marshall     United States    
Sabrina Hamilton     United States    
Sabrina Kossof     United States    
Samantha James
    United States     17 followers
Sandra A. Stein     United States    
Sandra Vance
Sandys Reborn Nursery
    United States     29 followers
Sarah Aanane     Netherlands    
Sarah Barnett
Sarah Barnett
    United States     27 followers
Sarah Bourget     Canada    
Sarah Lynch
Sarah's Reborn Crew
    United States     1 follower
Sarah Moores     Canada    
Sarah Neville     Australia    
Sarah Summers
Little Pinky Promises
    United States     1 follower
Schana Tarver     United States    
Shana Skoglund
Lil doe Lane
    United States     179 followers
Shannon Byars     United States    
Shantel Rider     United States    
Shelley M Lohr     United States    
Sherilea Cook-keller
    United States     1 follower
Shyla A Turcios-mannion     United States     1 follower
Silvana     Canada    
Skylar Irene
    United States    
Stephanie Bellmare     United States    
Stephanie Bollinger     United States    
Stephanie Funderburk
Open Fingers Dolls
    United States    
Stephanie G     United States    
Stephanie Schiff
Sweet Star Reborns
    United States    
Stephanie Worley
Steph's stars
    United States    
Susan     United States    
Tamara Zajicek     United States    
Tanya Koehn     United States    
Taylor Le-nguyen
Sakura Collects
    United States    
Thailynn Choice     United States    
Theresa M Abate     United States    
Thomas Malczewski     United States    
Tiffany P.     United States    
Tori Robles     United States    
Tracey L Appleman
Let Them Be Little
    United States    
Tracy Klaus     United States    
Tracy Tadych
Roundabout Reborns
    United States     314 followers
Valerie Juarez     United States    
Valerie King
A Twinkle From Heaven
    United States     606 followers
Vanessa Mendoza     United States    
Vanessa Ortiz     United States    
Verna Haynes
My personal collection
    United States     38 followers
Victoria M Dastine     United States    
Wendy Kline     United States    
Wendy Murray     United States    
Xyndie Hui     Canada    
Yanela Setti     United States    
Yohanna Hidalgo
Yohanna's Nursery
    United States    
蔡蕎音     Taiwan    
陈苑     China