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     Holly Resse
SC, United States

Reviews I've Left Sellers (1)

    0 orders sold
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15.2 months on Reborns

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Buyer Reviews (1)     

Holly's review of Colleen Walter (A-List Babies) Dec 5, 2023
I cant say enough good things about Colleen. She shipped same day and four days later I had him. Aspen is absolutely gorgeous. My husband got freaked out seeing him thinking he was real.
Reply from Colleen WalterDec 14, 2023

Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much!! Hahaha I'm giggling about your husband's reaction. 😂 that is the best!! 😂 I'm so glad you love him! You have been such a pleasure and I can't thank you enough!💖💖💖

Dec 1, 2023