Realborn Alyssa as a boy is now complete and looking for a home 🏡. Alex is a seconds kit, meaning the kit does not come with a coa but is authentic(can provide proof of my purchase). This little one was a custom that was never paid for, so now you have the opportunity to own him. He is 18 inches long and weighs 4lbs, he wears small newborn and preemie. He has been painted with many layers of ghsp and varnished. He has painted light brown hair and eyebrows with rooted lashes to match. He has painted details like milk bumps, capillaries and a scratch on his nose . Alex has a magnetic pacifier he will go home with along with his receiving blanket, nursery certificate, diapers, green onesie, whale sleeper and 2pc valentines day outfit(or another outfit of Mt choice). Can you sent home as a girl instead just message me 🤍
Head Material: Vinyl Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Vinyl Age: Newborn (0-3 mo) Gender: Your Choice Arms: Full Length Legs: Full Length Edition: Open Edition Eyes: Asleep Lashes: Rooted Hair: Painted Paint: Heat Set Paint Weighting: Fine Glass Beads Weighting: Polyfil Skin Color: Mottled Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Pacifier: Included Pacifier Type: Magnetic Pacifier Drink and Wet: No Smoke Free Environment: Yes Pet Free Environment: No
Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped