⭐️ Meet Judah!! This sweet baby girl was born 5-28-2022 at 9:24pm. She is 23 inches long and weighs 7 lbs 3 ozs. I created Judah from the Missy sculpt by Natali Blick. Missy is a Sold Out Limited Edition sculpt and comes with her Certificate of Authenticity # 682 of 999 worldwide.
🦄 She is an art doll that took many hours to create. Judah has realistic life like looking skin that I painted with many layers of genesis heat set paints, with layers including foundation, veins, mottling, details, flesh layers etc. I applied and baked on a final matte varnish layer and I glossed certain areas to add realism. Her left pinky has a very small area that's slightly darker due to a minor repair made to it. Judah's brows are painted and her lashes are rooted. I directionally rooted Judah's hair with pale blonde premium mohair and it's glued inside her head.
🦄 Judah's big blue eyes are handmade German glass eyes. She has a cloth body which contains sacks of fine glass beads, poly beads and polyfill as does her limbs and head. She is weighted to feel like a real baby. Her limbs and head are sealed with E6000 glue and a plastic disc. Her head has a strong magnet glued behind her lips for her magnetic pacifier that I modified for her. Due to the magnet in her head please use caution around ICD devices, pacemakers and other devices similar.
🦄 Judah comes with her favorite toy (plush Unicorn), the clothing pictured in her photos which are, pink onesie, white onesie, white w/ blue dot T shirt, unicorn T shirt w/ miniskirt, bluefish print overalls, stripped overalls, blue unicorn pants, purple unicorn pajamas, unicorn booties, socks, a few diapers, magnetic pacifier, comb, hair accessories, blanket, Poodie Luna's birth certificate, COA and Info & Care sheet. *If you would like to pierce her ears, let me know and I will also send a pair of stud earrings.
🦄 I put my artists signature on the bottom of one of her butt cheeks on her cloth body. She wears 0-3 month size and 3 month size clothing depending on style and brand of clothing. I took her photo's indoors and outdoors in multiple lighting situations.
Please contact me with any questions you may have about this sweet baby girl .
Head Material: Vinyl Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Vinyl Age: Older Baby (3-12 mo) Gender: Girl Arms: Full Length Legs: Full Length Edition: Sold Out Limited Edition (SOLE) [# 682 of 999] Eyes: Awake Eye Material: Glass Lashes: Rooted Hair: Rooted Paint: Heat Set Paint Weighting: Fine Glass Beads Weighting: Polyfil Weighting: Poly-Pellets Skin Color: Tan Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Pacifier: Included Pacifier Type: Magnetic Pacifier Drink and Wet: No Smoke Free Environment: Yes Pet Free Environment: Yes
Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped