⭐️Meet Issa!! He is a sleepy 20 inch, 5 lbs 3 ozs newborn that I created from the Coco sculpt by Ebtehal Abul. Born at 9:59 am on July 11th, 2022. He is a Limited Edition sculpt and is # 132 of 2000 Worldwide.
🦕Issa is an art doll that took many hours to create. He has realistic life like looking skin that I painted with many layers of genesis heat set paints, with layers including foundation, veins, mottling, details, flesh layers etc. I applied and baked on a final matte varnish layer and I glossed certain areas to add realism. His brows are painted and his lashes are rooted. I directionally rooted Issa's hair with premium mohair and it's glued inside his head. Issa has a cloth body which contains sacks of fine glass beads and polyfill as does his limbs and head. He is weighted to feel like a real baby. His limbs and head are sealed with E6000 glue and a plastic disc. His head has a strong magnet glued behind his lips for his magnetic pacifier that I made for him. Due to the magnet in his head please use caution around ICD devices, pacemakers and other devices similar.
🦕Issa comes with his favorite toy (plush Dinosaur), magnetic pacifier, baby blanket, Dinosaur bodysuit, white onesie, Dinosaur sleeper pajamas, a few diapers, pair of socks, COA, Poodie Luna's birth certificate and info & care sheet. I put my artists signature on the bottom of one of his butt cheeks on his cloth body. He wears newborn size clothing. Please contact me with any questions you may have about this sleepy sweet baby boy .