⭐️This is a Realborn Lavender Sleeping reborn baby doll made by me. She is a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. She comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. ⭐️She is 19 inches and weighs four pounds. Her hair and eyelashes were micro-rooted with light brown curly premium angora mohair. It is very soft. She was painted with many layers of Genesis heat set paints. She has painted veins, mottling, and blushing to appear more realistic. She is listed as a boo boo baby because I had a mishap with her mouth/chin area and it had to be fixed. Her lips came out a little dark and painted imperfectly. You can see it in a couple of the closer photos. She is priced lower because of it. She is weighted in her head, limbs, and body with high quality fine glass beads to feel like a real baby. She has a doe suede body. She has a vinyl head, full arms, and full legs. She wears newborn sized clothing. ⭐️This adorable baby comes with both of the onesies, the tutu, both of the headbands, and the pacifier in the photos. She also comes with a baby blanket, not pictured. The toys in the photos are props and are not included. ⭐️She is not a toy for children, but a piece of art. She has a magnetic pacifier which is very strong and could be harmful to people with pacemakers. ⭐️My babies are not perfect, but they are made with care, time, love, and passion.