Sole Susie by Cassie Brace is now complete and looking for a home 🏡. Susie is 21 inches long with full limbs and weighs 7.7lbs. Susie wears 0-3 and some 3-6 clothing and size 1 diapers. She is painted with ghsp and varnished. Susie has microrooted hp babylocks curly babyblonde mohair and lashes with painted eyebrows to match. She has sly blue polyglass eyes. Susie is weighted with fine glass beads and premium polyfil with a baby powder wafer for a baby fresh scent. Susie is equipped with a magnetic pacifier and 2 magnetic bows she will go home with along with her coa, paperwork from Cassie, nursery certificate, toy, 4pc spanish knit set, 2pc kate quinn set, velour bird sleeper, flower dress, diapers and receiving blanket 🩷