Real born Ruby asleep from Bountiful Baby Ruby was just born 9/18/2023 at 5:35 pm. She weighs 4 lbs 8 oz and she’s 18 inches long. Scan of a real baby. Ruby was painted and sealed by myself using multiple layers of GHSP. She has mottling, veining, capillaries and milk spots. She even has a couple of finger nail scratches on her little cheek. She has glossed lips, eyes and nose. Painted blonde hair and eyebrows. Glued on lashes. White tipped finger nails. Wobbly head, needs support. Ruby has an open mouth therefore does not need a magnet, just a modified pacifier or bottle works. She has full vinyl limbs and cloth body. She is weighted with poly fil and glass micro beads. She also has a baby wafer scent inside. Ruby is art therefore she’s not perfect. Ruby fits best in newborn clothing and she will come with a nice box opening from a smoke and pet free home. She will come with her COA. Can be boy or girl. No returns or exchanges. Customers in other countries are responsible for customs chargers and taxes due.
Artist: Tasha Smith Sculpture Artist: Unknown Kit Name: Ruby Asleep Purchased From: Bountiful Baby Length: 18" (45.72 cm) Weight: 4 lbs. 8 oz. Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): Yes
Head Material: Vinyl Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Vinyl Age: Newborn (0-3 mo) Gender: Your Choice Arms: Full Length Legs: Full Length Edition: Open Edition Eyes: Asleep Eye Color: Other Lashes: Applied (glued) Hair: Painted Weighting: Fine Glass Beads Weighting: Polyfil Skin Color: Fair Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Pacifier: Included Pacifier Type: Modified Pacifier Drink and Wet: No Smoke Free Environment: Yes Pet Free Environment: Yes
Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped
Ordering Information: Orders will be shipped same day when possible. Otherwise orders will be shipped next business day. In the circumstance payment is held, item will be shipped once payment is released.
Terms and Conditions: No returns or exchanges for any reason. Please look over all photos and asktx any questions prior to purchase. Dolls are art therefore not perfect.