This newborn boy or girl is 19” long and weighs 4 lbs and 10 oz. He/She has full arms and legs. Painted by Me (Shaylee Price/Little Wolf Nursery). He/She is rooted with wavy/curly blonde mohair. He/She has dark creases, which is why he/she is a BOOBOO baby. He/She fits into newborn, and size 1 diapers. Can take a magnetic pacifier. Comes with a small box opening.
NO RETURNS OR REFUNDS! SMOKE FREE HOME! All sales final. Paypal or Zelle is my preferred way of receiving payment and is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please look closely at the pictures and description under each baby to make sure this is the right baby for you, before purchasing. If you have any questions, please message me. MUST be 18 or older to purchase!
Photo taken in natural lighting! All props not included!
All dolls are painted by a beginner/intermediate artist and small artistic imperfections are to be expected when purchasing. Please look closely at their pictures!
Head Material: Vinyl Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Vinyl Age: Newborn (0-3 mo) Gender: Your Choice Arms: Full Length Legs: Full Length Eyes: Asleep Lashes: Rooted Hair: Rooted Hair Material: Mohair Paint: Heat Set Paint Weighting: Fine Glass Beads Weighting: Polyfil Skin Color: Mottled Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Pacifier: Included Pacifier Type: Magnetic Pacifier Boo Boo: Yes Drink and Wet: No Smoke Free Environment: Yes Pet Free Environment: No
Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped
Ordering Information: All orders are shipped within 2-5 business days from payment received in full. I only accept PayPal as a form of payment.
Hold requests and exchanges will not be honored.
Please ask any and all questions/close-up pictures before placing an order. I will get back to you asap.
Any fees associated with this transaction are non-refundable (PayPal)
Please add the correct address to PayPal before checking out. I cannot ship to an address other than what is listed on the receipt at the time of purchase.
All items are packaged well when shipped.
Terms and Conditions: All sales are final. No returns or refunds. As the buyer, you are responsible for reading the full description in my listing which states how the reborn is made, what is included, etc. Once the reborn is shipped and in your hands, it's your responsibility to take care of it. Every doll comes home with a care sheet you can follow to ensure your reborn stays in good condition.
THIS DOLL WILL TAKE 2 TO 3 MONTHS TO MAKE!!! Cost is half down nonrefundable to get started. This post is full price. If you would like to do half down please message me, Little Wolf Nursery!
Return Policy: NO RETURNS OR REFUNDS! Please look closely at the pictures and description under each baby to make sure this is the right baby for you, before purchasing. Ask any and all questions! I will get back to you asap!