⭐️This is a Realborn Darren Sleeping reborn baby doll made by me. He is a one-of-a-kind piece of artwork. He comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. ⭐️He is 17 inches and weighs three and a half pounds. He is bald with micro-rooted mohair eyelashes and lightly painted eyebrows . He was painted with many layers of Genesis heat set paints. He has painted veins, mottling, and blushing to appear more realistic. Please note, there is a tiny black speck on his forehead. This is an imperfection in the vinyl and should not try to be removed. He is weighted in his head, limbs, and body with high quality fine glass beads to feel more like a real baby. He has a doe suede body. He has a vinyl head, full arms, and full legs. He wears preemie sized clothing. ⭐️This little sweetheart comes with the onesie and the pacifier in the photos. The pacifier is modified, not magnetic. He also comes with a baby blanket, not pictured. ⭐️He is not a toy for children, but a piece of art. He should be handled infrequently and with care. ⭐️My babies are not perfect, but they are made with care, time, love, and passion.
Artist: Julia Lauren Sculpture Artist: Bountiful Baby Kit Name: Darren Purchased From: A seller on reborns.com who bought it from Bountiful Baby
Length: 17" (43.18 cm)
Weight: 3.5 lbs
Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): Yes
Head Material: Vinyl
Body Material: Cloth
Limb Material: Vinyl
Age: Preemie
Gender: Boy
Arms: Full Length
Legs: Full Length
Eyes: Asleep
Lashes: Rooted
Hair: Bald
Paint: Heat Set Paint
Weighting: Fine Glass Beads
Weighting: Polyfil
Pacifier: Included
Pacifier Type: Modified Pacifier
Smoke Free Environment: Yes
Pet Free Environment: No
Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned
Seller: Is the artist
Availability: Ready to be shipped
File under: Realborn reborn baby doll Darren Bountiful Baby
Ordering Information: Read Terms & Conditions before ordering.
Terms and Conditions: CONTRACT OF PURCHASE. By purchasing this art doll created and sold by Julia Lauren, you, the buyer, understand and agree to ALL the following terms and conditions regarding this art doll created by Julia Lauren listed below. By purchasing an art doll created and sold by Julia Lauren, you, the buyer, will be held liable by the terms and conditions listed below. (ORDERING) READ TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE PURCHASING ONLY SHIPS TO VERIFIED ADDRESSES GIVEN ON THE PAYPAL OR STRIPE TRANSACTION PAGE. PLEASE BE SURE IT IS CORRECT PRIOR TO PURCHASING. (PURCHASES OF COMPLETED DOLLS) By purchasing this completed art doll, you, the buyer understand and agree that art dolls created and sold by Julia Lauren are all sales final. Once you, the buyer, pay for the art doll, the doll will be shipped within 1-3 business days via UPS. No cancellations accepted. Purchases for art dolls created and sold by Julia Lauren are nonrefundable. Art dolls purchased from Julia Lauren are not returnable. Art dolls created and sold by Julia Lauren are sold as is. Art dolls created and sold by Julia Lauren will have slight imperfections, therefore Julia Lauren is not liable for buyer’s remorse or any implication that the doll was “not as described” or imperfect. It is the responsibility of you, the buyer, to review photos posted of the art doll, to ask questions, and to read about the details carefully before purchasing. By purchasing an art doll created and sold by Julia Lauren, you, the buyer, understand that you are committing to a nonrefundable, nonreturnable, purchase of the art doll. (SHIPPING AND RECEIVING) You, the buyer, understand that by purchasing this art doll, Julia Lauren is not liable or responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. It is the responsibility of you, the buyer, to file a claim with UPS in the event of a lost, damaged, or stolen item. Julia Lauren is not liable to make repairs on dolls damaged during shipping. I am not responsible for mailing addresses that are not updated on PayPal or Stripe. This is solely the buyers responsibility. ***MAKE SURE YOUR PAYPAL OR STRIPE ADDRESS IS CURRENT PRIOR TO PURCHASE***. (SAFETY WARNING) By purchasing an art doll created and sold by Julia Lauren , you the buyer understand that Julia Lauren is not liable for any injury, allergic reaction, or death resulting from the buyer’s negligence of allowing an incompetent person, child, elderly, mentally impaired, or pet to interact with the doll. Art dolls have small parts, pieces that can come loose, fine glass beads, eyes, and small powerful magnets that can pose a choking hazard and interfere with pacemakers. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP AWAY FROM THE MENTALLY IMPAIRED. KEEP AWAY FROM THOSE WITH PACEMAKERS. KEEP AWAY FROM PETS. (MOHAIR) Mohair is dyed by the companies that sell it which can stain the doll vinyl when hair is wet, especially dark colored mohair. Although mohair is sealed inside the head with glue, rough brushing, pulling, wearing hats/head coverings for extended time, excessive styling, and/or improper storage of rooted dolls will cause damage. Use care when styling mohair. Julia Lauren is not liable for issues that may occur with bleeding colors of mohair onto vinyl nor mohair breakage or loss once in transit and/or while in the customer’s possession. Use care when styling mohair. (WARRANTY) Art dolls created and sold by Julia Lauren are not under warranty. This doll is a piece of artwork, not a toy. It is highly recommended that you, the buyer, educate yourself on proper care, storage, cleaning, and handling of reborn dolls. Julia Lauren is not liable for any damages that may occur to the doll. BY PURCHASING THIS ART DOLL CREATED AND SOLD BY JULIA LAUREN, YOU, THE BUYER AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN.
Return Policy: No returns accepted.
Layaway Is Not Available
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