This is sweet little Saskia by Bonnie Brown. She has nice mottled skin & rooted ultra blonde hair. She comes with a small box opening 📍doll 📍newborn sized Burt’s Bees sleeper without feet in a heathered pink 📍3-6 month Burt’s Bees striped pink onesie 📍3-6 month Shabby Chic floral dress with matching bloomers 📍3-6 month Zara Mini spring floral dress with matching bloomers 📍0-3 month Carters summer blu floral dress with matching bloomers 📍3 pair socks…1 white knee socks, 1 cream socks with ribbon bow, 1 ivory socks 📍3 coordinating headbands 📍1 pair white buckle shoes with pink & white flowers 📍1 plush, pink blanket 📍2 extra diapers 📍1 magnetic pacifier 📍COA