Please welcome Grace.She is a chubby baby and is 19 in. long and 5lbs. She is bald with rooted eyelashes. Grace has 3/4 limbs on a cloth body. She fits into newborn and 0-3 month clothing. She is very floppy and poseable. She has a magnetic pacifier. Please note she has a light yellowish mark on the back of her head. Not very noticeable but worth mentioning. (See pic). Grace will come home with her dress and hat, sleeper, owl beanie hat, blanket, diapers, magnetic paci and birth certificate. U.S only please
Artist: Rachel Geiger Sculpture Artist: Unknown Length: 19" (48.26 cm) Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): No Gender: Girl Eyes: Asleep Hair: Bald Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Category: Reborn Baby Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped
Ordering Information: All sales final. No refunds or returns doll comes as is
Terms and Conditions: All sales final no refunds or returns. Doll comes as is.
Return Policy: All sales final no refunds or returns
Layaway Is Not Available
This Doll Is Available for Custom Order
The doll shown here is an example of how it could look if custom ordered by you. It is not the exact doll you would be buying. Your price may be higher or lower depending on the options you select.