Quinn is created from the Realborn Sculpt “Quinn Asleep” by Bountiful Baby. A Realborn is a 3D scan of a real newborn baby.
She is so realistic with every little fold and wrinkle!
Baby Quinn is created with a vinyl sculpt and have full arms and legs.
Note every meticulously painted vein, crease, and birthmark. Baby Quinn is a bald baby with rooted lashes and painted brows. Light gloss on baby’s nails.
She is about 21 inches.
She also comes with a magnetic pacifier.
She is weighed with steel pellets for a weight that is comfortable in your loving arms (approx 5 lbs)
Baby Quinn will come home with:
Nuk Magnetic pacifier
Size 1 Diapers
White Onesie size 0-3
Receiving Blanket Baby (Sweet dream little one)
Handmade crocheted hat
White and pink socks
Thank you
Artist: Living Inspirations Nursery Sculpture Artist: Unknown Length: 21" (53.34 cm) Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): No Age: Newborn (0-3 mo) Gender: Girl Eyes: Asleep Hair: Bald Skin Color: Mottled
Category: Reborn Baby Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped