Baby Girl Alexis by Cassie Brace my version was just born 🥰 she is 22 inches long and weighs 6.6 lbs. She is painted with many translucent thin paint layers. Many layers of creases, mottling, veining, and washes. She has a beautiful skin tone..She has painted dark brown and combi hair with southern charm Espresso mohair and painted eyebrows...rooted lashes with southern charm mohair in espresso....She is very detailed she has some realistic markings like milia, capillaries, and a scratch on her left inside finger. She has full limbs on a doe suede body stuffed with glassbeads, jelly belly and high quality polyfil..She also has a heel prick, glossed in all the right spots..she has some dry skin on her cheek and heels as well for added realism. She takes a magnet paci and has a magnet on her head as well she also has a scented wafer so she smells just like a real baby, I hope you guys love her💖💖
Serious inquiries only please. No layaway plans at the moment
Comes with a small box opening Diapers 2 outfits Bottle Paci/clip Coa Etc