I'm away at the moment Will be back in 129 days
Thursday May 1
I will be back soon! Please give me a follow - thank you
Baby Patience is so cute and her eyes are so expressive! ♥ She is a realborn with Down Syndrome. Patience is weighted in a floppy style, so you have to hold her little head like a real baby.
Patience wears newborn or 0-3 months. This baby has two magnets; one for her pacifier and one for a hair bow. She painted eyebrows, painted hair with a bit of top rooting in the color brown.
She loves her stuffed animals and would love to have a mommy to play with!
She will come home to you with a lovely box opening:
… 2 Receiving Blankets … ...1 Little Black Dress Outfit... ...1 Black/White Onesie ... Hair Bows...(2 magnetic / 1 Headband) ...1 Pair Knee Socks ...1 Bib... ...1 Sleeper.. ...1 Magnetic Pacifier... ...1 Wooden Pacifier Holder ...2 Diapers... … Certificate of Authenticity … … “Little Light of Mine” Adoption Packet …
*Photography props like blankets, toys, and baskets will remain in my nursery for other babies.