Limited Edition Everlee by Sabine Altenkirch is born #662/999 she is 20 inches long and weighs 5lbs. She is painted with many layers of GHSP my first heat set baby. She is highly detailed and realistic. She has many beautiful markings like scratch on her cheek, a scratch on her right arm, heal prick, capillaries, milia and glossed in all the right spots. She has beautiful rooted hair and lashes in the shade butterscotch by Southern charm mohair. She has some dry skin on her feet, ankles and wrists. She has a light skin texture. She is very floppy and smells just like a newborn. She also takes a magnetic pacifier. This little girl will come home with a 2-3 outfits of my choosing, white onesie, diapers, coa, birthcertificate and instructions and a few extras. She also has 2 small marks(booboos) on her left foot on 2 toes from the oven it is not very noticeable but it is affected in her price. Also I am not very happy with her skin tone so that is also affected.. (props not included)