⭐️ I created Vincenzo "Enzo" from Lilianne Breedveld's sculpt "Vince". He is a limited edition sculpt with COA, Enzo is 124 of 1000. This happy, chunky little guy was sculpted as a baby with Down Syndrome and weighs 5 lbs 9 ozs. He's 20 inches long.
🦈 He is an art doll that took many hours to create. This adorable guy has very realistic life like skin that I painted with many layers of genesis heat set paints, with layers including foundation, veining, blue and purple tones, differents layers of mottling colors, blushing, creases, color washes, eye brows, details including a few freckles on head and limbs, half moons on nails, nail tips, moist areas glossed for realism and a final baked on layer of a mix of matte varnish, mona lisa thinner, flesh 08 and a tiny bit of warm blush.
🦈 I directionally rooted his hair using Slumberlands ultra premium kid mohair in slightly wavy/wavy blonde color and it's glued on the inside of his head. His upper and lower long, dark lashes I rooted with dark brown mohair and glued them. His big brown eyes are flat back real glass eyes handcrafted in Lauscha, Germany.
🦈 Enzo has a cloth body with 3/4 arms and full legs. His limbs are weighted with fine glass beads up to his knees and elbows and then polyfil for his upper arms and thighs, I capped them off with a plastic disc with E6000 glue applied to seal it all. His body is weighted and stuffed with glass bead sacks, polyfil and some babypowder scented wafer pieces. His head is weighted with a fine glass bead sack and polyfil and also capped off and glued. His head also has a strong magnet glued behind his lips for his magnetic pacifier that I made for him. Due to the magnet in his head please use caution around ICD devices, pacemakers and other devices similar.
🦈 He will come with his favorite toy (plush shark), magnetic pacifier, five outfits (most are shark themed), three pairs of socks, a few diapers, baby hair brush, COA and his birth certificate. I put my artist signature and date on one of his butt cheeks on his cloth body. He will also come with an info and care sheet. He wears newborn and 0-3 mos. clothing. Please contact me with anymore questions about this little guy. Thank you so much for your interest! 😊