Lovely Lilly ( Ladybug ) is looking for forever home and forever Mum. She/he is a happy baby likes the outdoors and windy days. Will enjoy taking trips and shopping with her Mum. Photos taken outside today and it was a little breezy. Lilly"s hair got mussed up some but she smiled and enjoyed the breeze. This toddler could also be a boy if you wish. Do you see a boy or a girl ?
Weight 6 lb 14oz
Length 26 inches
Eyes are green
Golden Blonde wavy hair that is rooted and eyelashes are rooted. Sealed from the inside with waterproof glue.
I have painted with Genesis Heat Set paints in several layers for realistic skin tones.This toddler has subtle veining and is blushed and shaded. The nails are tipped and sealed fingers and toes. I have sealed all paint with a matte varnish to protect the paint and keep it fresh for many years.
The legs and arms are of a soft vinyl and are 3/4 length, jointed for many posing opportunities. The body is a doe suede cloth.
This toddler is weighted with glass beads and poly fiber fil, quality products all new materials. No sand or rocks are ever used at Barefeet Baby.
This baby will take a modified pacifier which I will include. I include a birth certificate,and a care sheet.
Clothing size is 9 month and size 2 shoe. I will send her home in her outfit with a brush and comb, toy, blanket, diaper and any other extras I choose.
This is not a toy. Ask any questions before adopting. Thank you
Artist: Sheila Jensen Sculpture Artist: Donna Rubert Kit Name: Ladybug Length: 26" (66.04 cm) Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): No
Head Material: Vinyl Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Vinyl Age: Toddler (1-3 yrs) Gender: Your Choice Arms: 3/4 Length Legs: 3/4 Length Eyes: Awake Eye Material: Polyglass Lashes: Rooted Hair: Rooted Paint: Heat Set Paint Weighting: Fine Glass Beads Weighting: Polyfil Skin Color: Fair Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Pacifier: Included Pacifier Type: Modified Pacifier Drink and Wet: No Smoke Free Environment: Yes Pet Free Environment: Yes
Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped