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     Lisa Papagna
United States


Buyer Reviews (3)

    5 orders bought
1.5 years on Reborns

Reviews I've Left Sellers (4)     

Jacqueline Kramer wrote:       Mar 4, 2025
Thank you very much for your purchase. I was very pleased! ❤️❤️❤️
VISI Boy Set

Feb 17, 2025

Terrie Phillips wrote:       Oct 8, 2023
Lisa was a pleasure to do business with and let me know when baby arrived. Thank you so much, Lisa!

Oct 3, 2023

Johanne Bujold wrote:       Oct 4, 2023
Lisa are amazing, very sweet and so easy , paid right away thank you so much Lisa to order from me and I hope you will love him as much as I do,I highly recommend Lisa to every seller ♥️
Reply from Lisa PapagnaOct 4, 2023

Johanne you are such a sweet woman thank you so much for the review! Looking forward to Romy’s arrival! I will let you know when I receive him!

Oct 3, 2023