Reborns Logo

     Ezra Herschelmann
Fawn and Fairy Nursery
Michigan, United States

1 Review  (1 Star)

    13 orders sold
16 orders bought
2.7 years on Reborns

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Sheyla Rivera wrote:       20 reviews on 28 orders Aug 18, 2022
Reborns are collector's items pieces of art whose "value" depends on the artist who created them and their prestige. The baby was SHIPPED 7 days after purchase( tuesday- tuesday)Poor comunication.
Reply from Ezra HerschelmannAug 20, 2022

Rather than shipping Friday the 5th like I had originally told the buyer,I shipped Monday the 8th. The buyer handpicked from my entire collection of clothes and accessories for the extra wait.
Josie Leigh

Aug 2, 2022