This naughty baby otter is absolutely adorable. He is perfect! The seller shipped quickly and packaged securely. I am so pleased with this little guy. Thank you very much and God bless!
I am enchanted by this wee boy. He is just perfect, from his brown eyes to little baby tongue. The seller is fabulous to work with, and I recommend her highly. I am so very happy with Baby Teddy!
Ordered: Jan 8, 2024
Tina's review of kim Klopp(Kind creations nursery)
Dec 14, 2023
What a big, soft baby boy! Frankie is adorable. Dealing with Kim has been a pleasure. She shipped quickly, securely, and surprised me with a lovely box opening. I am so happy with this adoption!
Aracelia is a totally wonderful seller.She is truly an asset to Reborns. Baby is beautiful perfection, box opening is incomparable. I love her babies and especially love dealing with Aragom Dolls.
My new baby is absolutely adorable! She was well-packaged and shipped quickly. The seller included many beautiful, unexpected (but appreciated) extras. What a fabulous adoption!
I was very fortunate to be able to adopt a second baby from Aracelia. She is absolutely beautiful and just perfect in every way. Aracelia is the very finest of artists, and her babies are gorgeous!
Ordered: Oct 16, 2023
Tina's review of Sara Zemla(Sara's Woodland Babies)
Oct 2, 2023
This baby is absolutely adorable, and such a joy to hold. She is perfect to me. Working with Sara has truly been a pleasure as well. I am so pleased with this adoption! Thank you and God bless!
I am completely in love with this adorable, plump baby. She is just precious in every way. The seller is fabulous to work with. Shelby is absolutely perfect. I am thrilled with her!
This baby is absolutely gorgeous! She is perfect in every way. The attention to detail in her 'birthing" is just amazing. I am extremely thrilled with her adoption. Wonderful transaction!