🌾Gina, thank you so much. Your kindness and personality bring so much joy to those whom hearts you touch. 🦋
Kindly, Darlene ⚘
Mommy to two of your treasures ~ Lilliput Poppy Edelweiss & Theodore
Easy transaction. The post office really tortured her package but the baby arrived unharmed, she left feedback and a photo letting me know it arrived safely and she was happy. Thank you.
I have the best clients ever, love working with Kristin. Thank you Kristin.
Ordered: Oct 9, 2020
Gina's review of Verna Haynes(My personal collection)
Dec 13, 2021
This little baby had defective varnish and we had to work together to resolve the issue. Verna was polite and professional, I enjoyed working with her.
Ordered: Jun 9, 2020
Gina's review of Valerie Huh(Closet Doll Collector)
Dec 13, 2021
I made this baby for fun, never expecting who would fall in love. She sold to Valerie fast and it was a very easy transaction. I love the IG photo!!! thank you Valerie!