Reborns Logo

     Penny Precopia
AL, United States


Buyer Reviews (6)

    11 orders bought
1.8 years on Reborns

Reviews I've Left Sellers (6)     

Yelena Zasyatkina wrote:       Dec 26, 2024
Great customer and amazing woman and friend! Thank you for your order!
Romper 0-1mo Blue 1

Dec 14, 2024

Amy Phipps Williams wrote:       May 19, 2024
Super quick and easy transaction, always appreciate customers like this for sure Thank you so much! I hope yo love your product!
Baby Powder Cologne 2Pack

May 15, 2024

Carrie Ball wrote:       Apr 24, 2024
Penny is a sweetheart and a great customer. Really appreciate her support
0-1 month Knit and Lace

Apr 16, 2024

Yelena Zasyatkina wrote:       Mar 31, 2024
One of my favorite customer! I would recommend Penny to any artist without hesitation. Thank you for your love to my art-babies!
Reply from Penny PrecopiaApr 12, 2024

Yelena, Thank you so very much. I not only recommend you as an artist, but as a mentor as well. I value your friendship and your unique ability to bring these art-babies to life.

Mar 29, 2024

Yelena Zasyatkina wrote:       Dec 25, 2023
Wonderful, loving customer! Thank you so much for loving me art-work!

Sep 12, 2023

Yelena Zasyatkina wrote:       Dec 15, 2023
Amazing woman who became my friend! I am the one who blessed to have you in my life!

Dec 8, 2023